

Monday, June 5, 2023

Word of the year

This year I started something new. Or rather, I started a few new things. Chosing a "Word of the year" was one thing, and actually it became 2 words as I couldn't choose one. 

My words for 2023 are "Change" and "Abundance", and I really have changed this year, on the inside, and as a result my life feels more abundant now. When one fokus less on the outside appearence and more on how one feel life has a way to send more of what brings you joy and happiness in your way. All the inner change led me to a wish to create change in my surroundings, let go of what no longer serves me to give room for the new that I wish for to come into my life. 

One tool to create change is another new thing that I got ~ my Happy Planners, where I have plenty of space for planning - and being creative in decorating. It's so much easier to create changes when one can keep track of what's going on, and go back to check the progress. 

Change on the inside means that my real true self now is the main part of who I am, and even though I can sense and see that it makes some people uncomfortable it makes me more comfortable with me these days. I no longer feel that I have to live up to other people's expectations, and that really has made me feel happier with my choices and who I am. But this is an ongoing journey, and I know that more chages are coming up ahead. And that's a good thing.

So, what about the "Abundance" part? 
As I said, with the changes life does feel more abundant, if not in financial and material ways ~ yet. And I feel content in my life in a way I didn't do earlier. Everything is not always perfect, but the possibilities are unlimited, and maybe that's how I prefer it these days. I am looking for another home though, as circumstances have changed and this place no longer fits our needs. But it will show up, I am certain of that. I trust that I am guided to the perfect place (for us) at the perfect time - and for that I am grateful ..

Friday, February 3, 2023

Off to a good start

I have started. This is last week's spread, and I have pretty much filled it with things to do, plans, ideas, and more ~ and I am now officially hooked on this Happy Planner thing. I love how much easier it has made my life, and how much more fun it is to look in a decorated planner than in my old rather plain filofax. This was a great buy, all I need now is more stickers, lots and lots more... 

2023 is off to a good start, and I'm now planning for some interesting changes in my new life...and in my new Happy Planner. 

Friday, January 27, 2023

Plan for a happy life

This is my new "hobby", Happy Planners for getting my life in order this year. One of my goals for 2023 is to get more structure in my life, and to plan for the changes I wish to see happen. When I found a video about Happy Planner in my flow on Youtube, it was like a sign to me. The one big reason I never have been able to stick to my plans before has been that my planners have been so boring that I never really opened them. These planners speak to my heart and to my creative side as they are meant to be decorated, which I love. This is going to be my year, to create changes and start living, not only existing. I plan to plan for a happy life this year....and every year from now on.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Somewhere between reality and fantasy

Picture; Google

This is to my knowledge a painting by Thomas Kinkade, one of my favorite artists, but I have no idea who put the rain in there. I do know however that I love it and somehow it feels fitting as it represents a image of the real life weather here right now and my imaginary hometown where I'l love to live for real. Thank you for dreams, wishes and imagination that make them real.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Today is a perfect day...

Yesterday's rain have moved on and there is blues spots above between the clouds, and I even saw a glimps of sunshine a moment ago. It's a perfect day to have a prefect day...and for a new start on this new life, and I am grateful. Like the clouds ~ I am moving on, too, and now I look forward to positive changes.

What makes a perfect day? It's different for all of us, what makes my day perfect may not be to your taste at all. A perfect day for me is a day that makes me feel great about myself and the gifts the day brings. It's quite simple really. Live is meant to be easy and fun to live, and it is when we don't complicate things. The happiest, and most successful, people I know are kind of happy-go-lucky people who just expect everything to turn out great (without thrying to control how), and I am looking forward to live more like that in this new chapter of my life. 

This Saturday I will do a little bit of soul searching and take a honest look at what I really want from my life now, and maybe a bit of planning ahead... I have no restrictions when making wishes for this new chapter of my life, none at all, no matter how unrealistic they may seem to someone else, and it probably would. It's my life, right. Just because one turns 65 it doesn't mean that life stops, and it shouldn't mean anything like that. Age truly is just a number and all it say is how many years you have lived. Old on the other hand is a state of mind, how we feel ~ but not mine. I don't feel old, and I never will feel old (is 20 - 25 too young to you?) and that's how it is. 

So what does Life have to offer a rather poor woman that never will feel old? I guess it depends on what she is looking for. I am looking for what makes me happy and makes me feel good, what brings me positive changes and make me feel grateful for all those things, but I can't put a name on exactly what they are. But I am excited to find out. This will be an interesting summer, and I do wish for great new experiences and changes that will make life magical. Have a happy summer. I know I will.


Thursday, June 16, 2022

Time passed

This is my very young self, 4 or 5 years young, smiling at the camera, I can't really remember much from back then but I look happy here, don't I?

Below is a much older (65), and wiser me, with life experience and wisdom gathered and now I'm ready for a new chapter in life. What life will bring me on this new path, I don't know...I wish for a simpler, more relaxed, and more fun life now.... Don't we all?

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

A new chapter begin...

 The past...that has been.


The present...that is now.


The unknown future that has not yet happened.

A new chapter is to start in this old-fashioned gal's life ~ and I am so looking forward to it. What's the point of clinging to the past, or staying in a present that one has long outgrown? It's so much better to move on and create a better future that suits the person I am now. And so the new chapter begin....one filled with magic, miracles and everyday wonders.