

Monday, June 5, 2023

Word of the year

This year I started something new. Or rather, I started a few new things. Chosing a "Word of the year" was one thing, and actually it became 2 words as I couldn't choose one. 

My words for 2023 are "Change" and "Abundance", and I really have changed this year, on the inside, and as a result my life feels more abundant now. When one fokus less on the outside appearence and more on how one feel life has a way to send more of what brings you joy and happiness in your way. All the inner change led me to a wish to create change in my surroundings, let go of what no longer serves me to give room for the new that I wish for to come into my life. 

One tool to create change is another new thing that I got ~ my Happy Planners, where I have plenty of space for planning - and being creative in decorating. It's so much easier to create changes when one can keep track of what's going on, and go back to check the progress. 

Change on the inside means that my real true self now is the main part of who I am, and even though I can sense and see that it makes some people uncomfortable it makes me more comfortable with me these days. I no longer feel that I have to live up to other people's expectations, and that really has made me feel happier with my choices and who I am. But this is an ongoing journey, and I know that more chages are coming up ahead. And that's a good thing.

So, what about the "Abundance" part? 
As I said, with the changes life does feel more abundant, if not in financial and material ways ~ yet. And I feel content in my life in a way I didn't do earlier. Everything is not always perfect, but the possibilities are unlimited, and maybe that's how I prefer it these days. I am looking for another home though, as circumstances have changed and this place no longer fits our needs. But it will show up, I am certain of that. I trust that I am guided to the perfect place (for us) at the perfect time - and for that I am grateful ..

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